Business Exit Planning

Life as a business owner can be a seemingly never-ending race of strategic objectives to meet and operational tasks to achieve. At EverOak, our team understands the many directions in which you are pulled. We have coordinated with industry professionals to develop a customized process to help you, your business partners, and your family discern your options and develop a formalized plan to pursue your desired outcome. Whether you anticipate selling your business to an outside buyer, transferring ownership and/or control to key management, or passing the leadership onto your children, our Exit Planning team provides you with education, guidance, and plan coordination to confidently develop and execute the road map for one of the most challenging decisions that you will face.

A Comprehensive Approach

Our team has developed a customized process to help you, your business partners, and your family discern your options and develop a formalized plan to achieve your desired outcome.

We offer a set of holistic services to help you with your transition. During the planning phase, we offer business sale or succession structure guidance, coordination with your attorney and tax professional teams, and a deeply comprehensive plan.

But we know it’s not just about the business. We’ll help you cope with the emotions of no longer owning or running a business and get you on the right track to find your new purpose post-sale or succession.

Whether you anticipate selling your business to an outside buyer, transferring ownership and/or control to key management, or passing the leadership onto your children, our exit planning team provides you with education, expert guidance, and plan coordination. You’ll feel confident following the tailored roadmap through one of the most challenging decisions you’ll face.

For a comprehensive review of your personal situation, always consult with a tax or legal advisor.  Neither Cetera Advisor Networks LLC nor any of its representatives may give legal or tax advice.